-*- Text -*- Feel free to download this version of freeWAIS-sf. But be aware: - freeWAIS-sf 2.2.1{1,2,3,4} is *not* tested on platforms other than SunOS 5.6 and Linux - freeWAIS-sf 2.2.1{0,1,2,3,4} is *not* supported. Perhaps *you* would like to volunteer??? Anyway, some additional hints on the installation won't hurt. This is how I do the installation of freeWAIS-sf and the Perl interface Wais.pm on my debian-linux-2.2 box: 1. freeWAIS-sf After unpacking I invoke `Configure' by means of the following script: #! /bin/sh ## ## Variables for `Configure' ## # version version=2.2.14 # installation prefix fwsfprefix=/usr/sw/wais/$version ## ## -- editing the following stuff shouldn't be necessary -- ## test -d $fwsfprefix/bin || mkdir -p $fwsfprefix/bin test -d $fwsfprefix/lib || mkdir $fwsfprefix/lib test -d $fwsfprefix/man/man1 || mkdir -p $fwsfprefix/man/man1 test -d $fwsfprefix/man/man3 || mkdir $fwsfprefix/man/man3 test -d $fwsfprefix/info || mkdir $fwsfprefix/info sh ./Configure -der \ -Dcc=gcc \ -Doptimize=-O3 \ -Dprefix=$fwsfprefix \ -Dprivlib=$fwsfprefix/lib \ -Dman3dir=$fwsfprefix/man/man3 Installation directories are explicitly created because of a bug in freeWAIS-sf's Configure. If you don't want to embed Perl (needed to embed german grundform reduction) add the option `-Dd_embed=undef' to the Configure call. Having configured fwsf make make test make install in the fwsf source directory should do the rest. You might want to install some (perhaps outdated, sorry!) documentation: make install.man cd doc/SF makeinfo fwsf cp fwsf.info* $fwsfprefix/info That's it! 2. Wais.pm and friends Download the latest version, at this time from ftp://ls6-ftp.cs.uni-dortmund.de/pub/src/Perl/ and unpack. Follow the instructions in file INSTALL distributed with Wais.pm.