THE TRAVEL BY THE BALLOON Chapter 1 The Departure 14th May, 1929 year, the balloon Fat was dispatched with the aim of exploration of Europe, Siberia and the Far East. Geo Konsel, Uxus Gitr, Sior Gitr, Omone Giflar, Deo Emolgy, Keshey Wilson, Pentes Wille, Ben Krabor, Kerandendy and Jup were leaving by the balloon. Geo Konsel was the leader of the balloon. Uxus Gitr and Geo Konsel were at the Uxus Gitr's summer-house, at that time. Fat was tied up with a rope near their kitchen-garden. The departure of Fat was in 5 hours. All climbed into the balloon. Uxus Gitr cut the rope, and the balloon flew up. Chapter 2 The Bad Weather The strong wind blew, and Fat flew with the great speed. All luggage on Fat weighed 200 kg, and the balloon had to fly slower, and therefore all thought that the weather will be bad. * * * On the next day, at 12.59 o'clock, Uxus Gitr cried: "We're falling!" "Falling?" asked Sior Gitr. "Yes! We're falling!" "Is it the strong wind?" "Yes!" "Well, and how shall we escape?" "But ballast? We must not forget about it!" Rain with hail began. The wind was carring Fat away souther and souther. Almost all ballast was threw out. But the strong wing threw Geo Konsel, Keshey Wilson, Uxus Gitr, Sior Gitr, Kerandendy and Jup out of the balloon, and they fell into a swamp. Chapter 3 10 Miles On The Water Falled into the swamp unexpectly Jup, the frogs and the tortoises decided to find where they were. Geo Konsel had a compass and he found out that they were in the Kreping swamp, in Crimea. The weather was bad. It was raining and hailing, sometimes the snow was falling from the sky. The swamp was especially wet in this weather. "Perhaps, it will be better to wait till the weather will improve?" asked Sior Gitr. "But where?" asked Keshey Wilson. "In the grass." "But it's wet!" "And what's from that?" "Tortoises don't like water." "But frogs like!" Finally they decided to wait in grass till the improving of the weather and then to go to search of Fat. In an hour the frogs and the tortoises with Jup went out of the grass. The sky was fair but with clouds. * * * Kerandendy found out that they went on the swamp three miles*. "What is this country?" he asked. "Somota," answered Keshey Wilson. The travellers had dinner and went again (to search of Fat). * 1 frog. mile = 100 metres (Akmanus.) CONTENTS 1. The departure 2. The bad weather 3. Ten miles on the water 4. The arrival to Krotokrysia 5. Harris 6. In England 7. Graham Greene's agents 8. The attack 9. Mr. Fixe 10. Cherelyagitsa 11. Fileas Fogg, Passpartout and Fixe 12. 'Fixed' Koen-Russa 13. The southern South 14. Kazakhstan, Row Gliss and Geik 15. Kazakh S.S.R. 16. The southest places 17. The train 18. On the shores of Yenisei 19. Siberia