THE TRAVEL ALONG THE TROPICAL COUNTRIES Part 1 The beginning of way Chapter 1 On visit at tortoises' place. -- Geo Konsel's question. -- Answer. -- "Frogtor". -- Departure. -- The snake. -- The submarine ship. 9th of May, 1923 year, Geo Konsel, Uxus Gitr, Sior Gitr, Omone Giflar & Deo Emolgy arrived in Tortoisestown on visit to Keshey Wilson, Ben Krabor, Kerandendy, Pentes Wille & Jup. -- Do you want take part in the travel along the equator? -- asked Geo Konsel. -- Want! -- cried all in one voice. -- I have the ship, -- said Geo Konsel and went out from the house. On the shore of the river was the ship "Frogtor". Others frogs & tortoises run after Geo Konsel. -- You can rise on the ship, -- said Geo Konsel. -- "Frogtor" will set off in 2 hours. When luggage was loaded, Jup raised the sails on the masts and went away into his cabin. The cabins of the frogs were in the under part of hold & on the deck. -- We are seting off! -- suddenly cried Uxus Gitr. "Frogtor" sailed from shore & gone away along the river to the Black Sea. It was 13 o'clock. Geo Konsel sat on the chair & done commandes to Deo Emolgy, who stood at the rudder. Suddenly Deo Emolgy jumped up & cried -- A snake! Really, on the deck crept the huge snake. Geo Konsel shot from carabine, but missed. The snake jumped into the sea, and all seen, that it crept into submarine ship, which emerged over the water. Chapter 2 Mediterranian Sea. -- Sior Gitr's question. -- Answer. -- Direction to Greece. -- The terrible speed. -- Greece. On the next day "Frogtor" was in the Mediterranian Sea. "Interestly, how shall we go from here to equator", -- thought Sior Gitr. Then he asked Geo Konsel about it, and Geo Konsel answered: -- Across the Atlantic Ocean. Suddenly the ship turned & floated to Greece. It floated with the terrible speed, because cisterns were fully filled with corotell[1]. Ljai-gukho[2] of the ship (he was Omone Giflar) looked after the speed. Stocks of the food on "Frogtor" ended, and it was necessary to buy Greek food. -- We arrived! Greece! -- suddenly cried Keshey Wilson. Ben Krabor, Uxus Gitr & Deo Emolgy landed on the shore. In the evening after supper all, except Geo Konsel & Omone Giflar, went to sleep. Omone Giflar drew the map of the Gibraltar Strait, and Geo Konsel steered the ship. Chapter 3 The shores of Italy. -- The turtle. -- Kerandendy threw the harpoon. -- Blows. -- Push. In two days "Frogtor" approached to the shores of Italy. In this places often meet turtles, which they eat in Ochereh, Akmanuse & Frintsaa. Omone Giflar with the harpoon looked in the sea. -- Turtle! Sea turtle! -- suddenly cried Omone Giflar. -- Where? -- asked Kerandendy. -- There! In the West! -- Near the shores? -- No! -- A-a-a! Saw! -- said Kerandendy & went away. Then came Jup with the -- The gigantic turtle! -- said he. Suddenly Kerandendy who stood near threw the harpoon but missed. The turtle rushed to "Frogtor". Resounded the crash and from the steel upholstery of "Frogtor" broke off four bits. "Frogtor" floated quicker, but the turtle striked in the ship. -- Prepare the cannon! -- said Geo Konsel. But suddenly the turtle striked in "Frogtor", the cannon fell in the water, and the turtle made one's way to the ship. "Frogtor" floated with all power. Suddenly resounded the push, "Frogtor" flew up & turned over. Chapter 4 The turtle in the sea. -- The book. -- The sheet of paper. -- What's it mean?". -- Jup's explanation. -- Two entries. -- The secret of "document". At first regained consciousness Keshey Wilson. He looked around & saw, that the turtle swim in the sea. Suddenly Keshey saw the book in the brown cover. He took it, but from there fell the sheet of paper. On it was wrote: <...> "What's it mean?" -- thought Keshey Wilson. In this times all vehicle of "Frogtor" regained consciousness. -- What's this? What's it mean? -- resounded the voices. Suddenly Jup said: -- It wrote in the ancient Icelandic language. In my pocket this alphabet wrote down on the sheet of paper. Geo Konsel & Jup went into Jup's cabin to decipher the entry. Jup said, as that read, and Geo Konsel wrote. The entry was such: <...> -- One word! -- exclaimed Jup. -- And what's it mean!? -- There is "merged", united words, it is necessary to rewrite again, -- said Geo Konsel. He rewrote the "document" and tried to divide the words. The entry was such: che bieiy ensib abra runi aiis stasarne sa knuss emar obre bano osg isaf lm -- We "broke" the "document" wrong, -- said Geo Konsel. Jup rewrote the entry, and the secret of the "document" discovered. Chapter 5 Translation. -- Successful coincidence. -- "Excellently!" The "document" was necessary to read so: che bi eiy ensibabra runia (iisstas Arne Saknussem) aro breb ano osgi saflm In the translation it meant: if you will reach to volcano Runia (so say Arne Saknussem) then you will see dinosaurs, monsters & unknown animals. -- Arne Saknussem -- ancient crocodilish scientist of XII century, -- said Jup, -- he wrote this note. -- We want to travel along the equator, and volcano Runia is on the equator in Africa, and we go there now, -- remarked Geo Konsel. -- Excellently! -- said Jup. Chapter 6 The Gibraltar Strait. -- Cries. -- The frog. -- Glisterr Lgreis. In this times "Frogtor" was in the Gibraltar Strait. It was evening. -- How slo-o-owly, -- spoke through the teeth Sior Gitr. Suddenly resounded the exclamation: -- What is there?! Devil! Some monster! -- Who is there? -- asked Geo Konsel. -- Incredibly! -- said Keshey Wilson. Suddenly from the hold got out the frog. -- Who are you? -- asked Keshey Wilson. -- I'm passenger of ship "Chinderry", my name is Glisterr Lgreis, I'm arish frog, -- said the frog. -- Where are you going? -- To the equator, -- answered Geo Konsel. The end of the first part Part 2 Across The Atlantic Ocean Chapter 1 The Atlantic Ocean. -- Conversation. -- The oasis. -- The lake. -- Return to "Frogtor". In the Atlantic Ocean was the hot weather. Geo Konsel, very dry, sat on the chair. It was weather korry-stint[3] that especially hot in the Atlantic Ocean. -- Are we shall arrive soon? -- once Kerandendy asked Geo Konsel. -- In 9 days, -- answered Geo. -- How longly! -- But "Frogtor" is quick-going ship! -- Quick-going ship float so slowly! -- 9 days is trifles! -- All the same! -- Calm, dear Kerandendy, -- finally said Geo Konsel, -- soon we shall arrive! -- [4] -- suddenly cried Glisterr Lgreis. -- [5] -- answered Uxus Gitr. "Frogtor" floated to the shore, on which was the oasis. The stock of the water on the ship ended, and was necessary to gather water. -- Oasis! -- cried Glisterr Lgreis. Ben Krabor, Kerandendy, Jup, Geo Konsel and Omone Giflar went down. They came up to oasis. There was the lake, that was covered with seaweeds. In the water were frogs & newts. -- We can accidentally to gather some frogs instead of the water, -- said Kerandendy. Soon the pails was filled, and frogs & tortoises with Jup went to "Frogtor". Chapter 2 Uxus Gitr's question. -- Sierra-Leone. -- "But volcano Runia?". -- Answer. -- But how we shall to travel along the equator, if "Frogtor" is the ship? -- on the next day Uxus Gitr asked Geo Konsel. -- Very simply, -- answered Geo, -- we shall fly on the balloon. In one day "Frogtor" was at the shores of Sierra-Leone -- country, that is in the distance of nine frogs' parallels to the equator. -- Hurrah! The equator! That is nearly to equator! -- cried Glisterr Lgreis. -- Devil! -- cried Uxus Gitr, -- will you stop to cry? -- But the volcano Runia? But the monsters? We must to be in a hurry! -- suddenly said Jup. -- A-a-a! The monsters! We now float enough quickly! -- answered Kerandendy. -- For example, Mr. Uxus quite doesn't want there! -- And no necessary, -- said Uxus Gitr. Chapter 3 Geo Konsel's question. -- Glisterr Lgreis' tale. -- The evening. -- "Equator!" In two days Geo Konsel asked Glisterr Lgreis: -- How did you find yourself on "Frogtor"? -- Our ship floated to America across the Gibraltar Strait, -- began Glisterr, -- but the huge whale attacked us. In two minutes all sailors were threw off into the water. In this times I was in my cabin, but the ship split. I saw the another ship in eighty metres[6] from me. It was "Frogtor". Then I caught the anchor & got to the "Frogtor". * * * Blew kruit-street[7]. Approached the evening & passengers of "Frogtor" had supper. Only Glisterr Lgreis went on the deck & looked intently into the distance. He had the see-pipe & the map. Glisterr Lgreis marked by the pencil on the map the way of "Frogtor". And suddenly the exclamation piered the calm: -- Equator! The end of the second part Part 3 On equator in Africa Chapter 1 Island San-Tome. -- The conversation. -- The proof. -- All passengers run out from the hold. And really, in 3 metres from "Frogtor" was the equatorial island San-Tome. From here they could go to Gabon, Kongo, Zaire, Uganda, Kenya & Somali[8]. -- Are we landing? -- asked Keshey Wilson. -- Yes, -- answered Geo Konsel. -- And then we shall fly on the balloon, -- added Uxus Gitr. -- But where is the volcano Runia? -- asked Jup. -- In the country of Congo, -- answered Keshey Wilson. -- In the mountains? -- No. -- In the desert? -- No? -- But where? -- In the forest? -- In the forest? But volcanos never haves in the forests! -- But in this forest haves the valley! -- The valley? -- The valley! The ordinary valley! -- But where you know it from? -- Glisterr said me about it. -- But he really was there? -- No, but he is the geographer. -- Ha-ha! The geographer! It wasn't suffice! The geographer, who don't understands, that in the forests haven't the volcanos! -- Glisterr! -- I'm here... What's happening? -- asked Glisterr Lgreis. -- He isn't believe, that the volcano Runia is in the forest! -- Now I'll prove! -- You can to prove, how many you want, but I shall not believe. -- Aha! It's mean, you not believing? -- Glisterr conducted Jup into cabin. -- It's the map. It's the country of Congo. Here marked the forest. And here is volcano Runia. It's even signed. Look! Lost his head Jup sat on the chair. -- ......! -- muttered he. Chapter 2 "Victory". -- Kennedy, Joe & Fergusson. -- The Englishtortoise. -- The Departure. -- "Some water! I want to drink!" -- The waterless place. -- Congo. -- Volcano Runia. -- Its top. On the next day was fixed the transfer to the balloon. Its name was "Victory". They loaded into the balloon the luggage from "Frogtor" & the stocks of food, that were bought on the island. To "Victory" passed some sailors. Their names were Kennedy, Joe & Fergusson. Fergusson was the Englishtortoise & entered to "Frogtor" in order to float to equator. * * * * * * in one hour "Victory" rised into the air. -- Do Mr. Fergusson want to drink? -- asked Joe. -- No, -- answered Fergusson. But then Fergusson really wanted to drink. -- Some water! I want to drink, -- said he. -- The stock of the water ended, -- said Joe, -- and around there is no water. I can see only the forest. -- And in the distance I can see the desert, -- added Kennedy. -- But we can to fly to river Ja, -- objected Fergusson. -- Of course! -- exclaimed Joe. -- But Congo? -- asked Kennedy. -- Of course! And Congo! -- cried Joe. In one hour in the distance the river showed themselves. -- Congo! Congo! -- cried Geo Konsel. -- I want to drink too, -- said Glisterr Lgreis. -- I want to drink more, -- answered Fergusson. "Victory" landed, but suddenly Glisterr Lgreis cried: -- Volcano Runia! -- Where? -- asked Jup. -- In that forest I can see covered by the snow mountain top. Can you see? -- I can see! -- cried Jup. Chapter 3 The landing. -- Many snakes. -- The stranges sounds. -- On the palm-tree. -- The monsters. -- The fall. -- Glisterr Lgreis' "question". Keshey Wilson, Kerandendy, Glisterr Lgreis & others frogs & tortoises landed. Then jumped Jup. Keshey Wilson noticed, that there is very many snakes on the trees. From afar resounded the stranges sounds. Ben Krabor & Keshey Wilson got on the tree. Not far away was the volcano, and around it the monsters went. -- Help me! -- cried Ben Krabor & fell from the tree. One dinosaur looked to Keshey Wilson & roared. -- The monster! Help me! -- cried Keshey Wilson. He took all guns from "Victory" & run to the palm-tree again. -- What is terrible? -- asked Glisterr Lgreis. But nobody answered him. Chapter 4 The frogs. -- Megemed Fu Akhlakh. -- His friends. -- The way to the volcano. In this time Jup noticed that near on the road going seven frogs. He told about it to his friend and they began to watch. In this time the frogs (who went along the road) greeted & sat. The name of their chief was Megemed Fu Akhlakh. The names of his friends were Aji Ben Sultan, Radji Ben-khan, Subatot-khan, Kharzi-el-al-er-Kharza, Pidi-rik-Ri, Sheikhi-lyai-Gukho. -- How to go to the volcano Runia from here? -- asked Kerandendy. -- At first go straight, then turn left, -- answered Megemed Fu Akhlakh. The frogs, the tortoises & Jup said good-bye to Megemed Fu Akhlakh & his friend & went straight along the road. Chapter 5 Turning of the road. -- The volcano Runia. -- Dinosaurs. -- The cave. -- The snakes. -- The road. In some minutes they saw that the road turn left. When the frogs & the tortoises turned then they saw the volcano Runia. Jup run forward, but stopped at once. In front of him stood 2 dinosaurs. Jup risen to the mountain & seen the cave. -- Hurrah! The cave! -- he cried. The frogs & the tortoises run after him. [1] Corotell -- sea-petrol. [2] Ljai-gukho -- commander of tortoises' soldiers & sailors. [3] korry-stint -- 28 C of warmth [4] Oasis! The water! We can drink! Oasis! (frog. ar.) [5] Finally we shall fill our bottles! (frog. ar.) [6] 1 frogs' metre = 5 cm. [7] Kruit-street -- south-east wind. [8] All these countries appeared later.