R.A.Pavlov THE GOLSORG ISLAND Part 1 The first days on the island Chapter 1 17th April, 1919, the ship Gomi was in the Indian Ocean. Sior Gitr, Omone Giflar, Uxus Gitr, Geo Konsel, and Deo Emolgy were on the ship. The weather was fine and all the crew were walking on the deck. But in the evening Geo Konsel said: "The wind is too strong. There are signs of a storm or a ra--" He hadn't time to say it because the ship was thrown up. Uxus Gitr, Sior Gitr, and Geo Konsel flied up. Omone Giflar and Deo Emolgy stayed on the ship. Chapter 2 Uxus Gitr and Geo Konsel recovered on a land. "It seems it is an island," said Geo Konsel. "But we can live there," answered Uxus Gitr. "But we must build a house," said Geo Konsel. He felled trees. Uxus Gitr was making the glue. The lower part of the house was ready in an hour. "Not enough of glue," said Geo Konsel. Uxus Gitr picked a mushroom mekhomos* and some grass, added water and so he made a good glue. The house was ready in three hours. Geo Konsel and Uxus Gitr went to sleep. Chapter 3 In the morning Uxus Gitr said: "I'll stay to guard the house and you will go for food." "I'm very hungry too," answered Geo Konsel. At 11 o'clock in the morning Geo Konsel came back with two partridges. "We eat insects, but some partridges will not hinder us," he said. After the breakfast they went to the shore and suddenly saw a tortoise. Chapter 4 "My name is Ben Krabor," said the tortoise. "My friends - Keshey Wilson, Kerandendy, Jup, and Pentes Wille - are on this island." "I don't know such tortoises' name - Jup," said Geo Konsel. "Jup is an ape and we had found him on this island recently," explained Ben Krabor. "Do you want to become our friend?" asked Geo Konsel. "Of course, because Keshey Wilson and others my friends have disappeared." "Let's go to eat," suggested Uxus Gitr. "We have some partridge's meat." Chapter 5 After the meals, all were sitting at home. Suddenly some shots resounded from the forest. Ben Krabor and the frogs run from the room to the window. A hatteria* stood in front of the house. It had a pistol in its right front paw. Suddenly a snake looked out from a bush. The hatteria* shot. The snake fell down unexpectly. The hatteria* came up to the house and rang. Uxus Gitr opened the door. "My name's Dakkar Dorr Glott," said it. "I live with the racoon Krille, the main animal on this island." "Who is this racoon?" asked Ben Krabor. "The racoon Krille is the main animal on this island and has been living on it for 37 years," explained Dakkar. "Do you want to eat?" asked Geo Konsel. "I want it very much." "I'll have brung food," said Uxus Gitr. In a half an hour he came with three bats. All ate the food with pleasure. "I'll go home," said Dakkar. The tortoise and the frogs had said good-bye to Dakkar and went to rest. After the rest they had built up a boat in 3 hours and navigated in it. Part 2 The racoon Krille Chapter 6 Soon the boat sailed up* to an unknown shore. A racoon stood on the shore. All guessed that it was Krille. "Hello!" cried Ben Krabor. "Hello!" said Krille. "Have you been wrecked again?" "Yes, but not only we have. The frogs Sior Gitr, Omone Giflar and Deo Emolgy, the tortoises Keshey Wilson, Pentes Wille, Kerandendy, and also the ape Jup have else." "I have got them," said Krille. "Do you want to live with me?" he asked. "Very much," said Geo Konsel. Suddenly Jup, Keshey Wilson, Kerandendy, Pentes Wille, Sior Gitr, Omone Giflar, and the hatteria* Dakkar went out of the house. "Hello," said Ben Krabor. "And where is Deo Emolgy?" asked Uxus Gitr. "He isn't with us," said Krille. Chapter 7 "What's the name of this island?" asked Sior Gitr. "It is Golsorg," answered Krille. There were corals and snails* for supper. Krille and Dakkar were eating birds' meat. Suddenly after the dinner, a thunderstorm began. But it was thundering some minutes, and after the thunderstorm all went to bed. Chapter 8 In the morning, Krille and Dakkar went to catch molluscs for the food. Krille had caught 2 nautiluses, 3 calmars and 1 mydia*. Dakkar had caught only 7 calmars. Suddenly Krille jumped up. "Geyser*!" he cried. A fountain of hot water broke loose near his jar with molluscs, and then a seething* puddle appeared. Krille and Dakkar took the jars and went home. Chapter 9 Sior Gitr, Geo Konsel, and Uxus Gitr, when they had dinner, asked Krille, how old was he. "I'm 41 years old," answered Krille. "I lived with captain Nemo earlier, but then I was lost." "We, the tortoises, know captain Nemo!" said Kerandendy. "He had taken us away to our homeland." "It will be well if he will have taken us away to our homeland again," said Omone Giflar. Chapter 10 After that the frogs, the tortoises and Jup parted with the racoon Krille. They wanted to see what was with their real house on Golsorg. Part 3 The inhabitant of the coral reef Chapter 11 When the frogs and the tortoises had come to the house's place, they didn't discover the house. A stone was lying on the house's place. "There is a note on the stone," said Jup and read: I, Deo Emolgy, live near this island in the ocean between two stones. Look for a coral reef. "It's a note from Deo Emolgy!" exclaimed Geo Konsel. "We need him! Let's go to look for a coral reef between two stones, probably, sticking out of the water!" Chapter 12 Soon the travellers went down under the water. Having gone 25 frog kilometres they saw a octopus*. "I'm an Iseldian, my name's captain Kito and I want to show you the coral reef." Soon they with captain Kito came up to the reef. The octopus* swam away. "Here's the door!" said Pentes Wille. They came in. Chapter 13 Deo Emolgy sat at the table. "Hello!" he said. Then they went out. "Let's go," said Pentes Wille. When they had found themselves on the land they saw the bokvala built by Pentes Wille, Keshey Wilson, Kerandendy, and Ben Krabor. Then they went to Krille to eat. Krille had calmars* for supper. Ben Krabor was catching molluscs during the meals. He had caught 5 nautiluses* and 2 calmars*. When he came to Krille the dinner had ended already. Part 4 The Dream About The Returning Chapter 14 The next morning, Geo Konsel got up earlier of all and said to the racoon Krille that he had said to captain Nemo who was at the shore of the island at night to take them away to their homeland. "It's a good idea," consented Krille. At this time Dakkar went out of the Krille's house. Nobody saw him since yesterday. "I'm very hungry," he said. "There are nautiluses* and calmars*," said Jup. "There is captain Nemo's Nautilus!" a voice resounded, and Omone Giflar went out from the bushes. "I have told to captain Nemo where you live, and he will have taken you away by Nautilus home," he said. "It's very good," said Sior Gitr. Chapter 15 The next morning, there were MIDII for breakfast. Soon Keshey Wilson, who was going to the ocean, came. "Captain Nemo have navigated to America by Nautilus," he said. "It's long to wait," said Geo Konsel. After that, the racoon Krille and Dakkar went to sleep. At that time an eagle came in sight in the sky. "I meet such eagle for the first time," said Pentes Wille. "It is not an eagle but it's a vulture," answered Geo Konsel who had seen vultures earlier. At that time, the vulture landed. "I'm from Kelia," he said. "My name is Korr and I know where is captain Nemo." "Well, and where is he?" asked Sior Gitr. "He is between Australia and Amerika now," answered Korr. Chapter 16 The next morning, Geo Konsel and Korr got up earlier of all. Dakkar awoke in 25 minutes after they had got up. "I'll have brung food now," he said. "I'm hungry awfully," answered Korr. He came back with 5 partridges and 3 calmars* about 10 o'clock. All, except Sior Gitr, had breakfast. After the breakfast, Krille said: "I have stored racoons' gingerbread* for the best meal." Chapter 17 Dakkar, Krille, Keshey Wilson, and Jup went to the sea and suddenly saw captain Kito. "I have found some very delicious molluscs," he said and showed 5 dentaliums*. Jup took the dentaliums* and went home, but Dakkar suddenly saw a submarine ship. A frog went out of the ship. "My name is Khinle Kore," said it. "Earlier you haven't one frog. Now I shall be that frog." Chapter 18 Suddenly 5 dvoenogs* threw themselves out of the sea. Dakkar knocked one dvoenog* down and run away. Krille did the same. 3 dvoenogs* attacked Keshey. The others two attacked Jup who had come running to this place. Khinle Kore sailed away* in time. At that time, Deo Emolgy came running and shot. 1 dvoenog* was killed. Jup freed himself*. At that time, a shot from the Krille's house resounded, and all 4 dvoenogs* fell into the water. Keshey Wilson, Deo Emolgy, and Jup went to catch molluscs. Chapter 19 "When will captain Nemo have taken us?" asked Kerandendy at the dinner. "I think, he is in America already," answered Korr. For the dinner, there were dentaliums* caught by captain Kito. At that time, Jup who was catching molluscs for a very long time came back. "Captain Nemo will have taken us soon," he said. "Hurrah!" cried all except Krille and Dakkar. Chapter 20 Then Sior Gitr said: "I'll go to the shore and see if captain Nemo is there." When he had come to the sea he saw Nautilus. He swam to it. Nautilus landed, and Captain Nemo went out of it. "Hello!" he said. "Hello!" answered Uxus Gitr by the same word. Part 5 The Returning Chapter 2<1> Captain Nemo came to the travellers and said: the tortoises will go first, and then the frogs will. He took the tortoises, but the frogs stayed. "Well, good-bye," said Krille. Korr flied away. Chapter 22 In a week, Nautilus came for the frogs. "Where do you live?" asked Captain Nemo. "Deo Emolgy, Sior Gitr and Uxus Gitr are from Akmanuse, and Geo Konsel and I are from Ocherkh," said Omone Giflar. * Soon Nautilus delivered the frogs home. But they always remembered the Golsorg island NOTES The words followed by * are not translated in the manuscript. Their translations are added while preparing this edition.